Every Sunday morning, all of the teddy bears gather together in the woods
for their weekly Bible Study. It was Theodore's turn to do the teaching and
he decided to teach on the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand.
Unfortunately, Theodore forgot both his Bible and his notes, so he tried
to tell the story from memory but got the story a little twisted up.
"Jesus felt sorry for the five people who stayed to hear him preach. So,
he told the disciples to gather up the five thousand fishes and two thousand
loaves of bread and feed them."
Suddenly, Tilly-Bear jumped up and interrupted Theodore.
"That's stupid! Anybody could do that. You'd better come back next week
and try telling this story again the way it says in the Bible."
Theodore knew Tilly-Bear was right. So, next week, he made sure he brought both his Bible and his notes and tried again.
"This week I'm going to talk about Matthew 14:13-21. After Jesus had taught
the people he saw they were very hungry. So, he got five loaves of bread
and two fishes and fed five thousand men plus the women and children. I bet
Tilly-Bear couldn't do that."
"Of course I could. Anybody could do that. All you have to do is take
the leftovers from last week and feed it to all the new people who came this
Theodore and Tilly-Bear is a trademark of and are based on original
characters created by Lance
Micklus of Essex Juncstion, Vermont.
(c) 1998-2015 by Lance Micklus.
- All rights reserved